GOBIUS Classic tank level monitoring system

The signal is received on the supplied panel.
Characteristics and advantages:
- Universal for black water, fuel and fresh water
- No mechanical fault (frequent in black water tanks)
- No maintenance needed
- No modification or hole on the tank (no leaks)
- Suitable for all materials
- Working on tanks of all sizes
- Suitable for new and existing tanks
- CE mark.

Master items

Item Model Description  
Gobius 4 Waste Four levels for waste water tanks. It allows reading up to 4/4 full tank thus also indicating complete filling. The system includes three sensors to install on the tank and a 4-LED display.
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Gobius 4 Water/Fluel Four levels for clear water tanks and fuel tanks. It allows reading up to 4/4 full tank thus also indicating complete filling. The system includes three sensors to install on the tank and a 4-LED display.
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