VL-03 FASTMOUNT ® panel mounting system

Ultralowered VL-03 coupling system, 5-kg load, 10-mm male+female total thickness. Both male and female can be fixed with mastic sealant or central screw. In case of recess mounting, 26-mm Ø bore is needed for the female. The pair is self-aligning.

Master items

Item OEM Description Price  
FMVL-F3 VL-F3 female 10 10,45 €/CF
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FMVL-M3 VL-M3 male. 5-kg load. 10 10,45 €/CF
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FMVL-SS3 Special ultralowered screw for 10.460.02 10 2,19 €/CF
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FMVL-CP3 Centering device to aling the two parts 1 7,09 €/PZ
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