Plough anchor

Made of very thick high-strength hot-galvanized steel. Similar to CQR anchors, excellent performance on all seabeds.

Master items

Item A mm B mm C mm D mm E mm F mm G mm Price  
7 260 640 340 230 540 220 55 67,90 €/PZ
Order Quantity

9 330 780 410 280 600 280 65 82,90 €/PZ
Order Quantity

12 320 800 430 280 650 280 65 114,50 €/PZ
Order Quantity

16 380 950 500 320 760 310 75 149,50 €/PZ
Order Quantity

22 400 1050 490 360 800 345 80 209,50 €/PZ
Order Quantity

27 520 1090 520 380 830 380 85 249,50 €/PZ
Order Quantity

35 580 1110 580 410 920 410 95 364,50 €/PZ
Order Quantity

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