Maintenance cycle for desalinators

The cycle utilizes 3 specific products:
- Phase 1: alkaline detergent that cleans the membranes by removing dirt accumulated during use (e.g., oily residues).
- Phase 2: acid descaler that removes limescale and neutralizes the alkalinity of Phase 1,
- Preservative: with bactericidal action, removes bacteria and prevents their reappearance before the next season.
These products can be used for two different interventions:
- Routine maintenance: recommended when there is a decrease in performance of the desalinator. Involves the use of Phase 1, followed by Phase 2, and finally a thorough rinse with water.
- Extraordinary Maintenance (Winterization): when it is anticipated that the desalinator will not be used for an extended period or to prepare it for the new season. It is advised to wash with Phase 1 and Phase 2 before using the Preservative. Before reuse in the spring, it is necessary to rinse thoroughly with water to restart the desalinator.
It is strongly advised against using on energy recovery machines (e.g., Schenker and Spectra).
The 1-liter package is the appropriate quantity for treating any desalinator for boats.
Each product requires 20 minutes to act.

Master items

Item Description Package l Price  
Phase 1 1 6 14,95 €/PZ
Order Quantity

Phase 2 1 6 16,45 €/PZ
Order Quantity

Preservative 1 6 19,45 €/PZ
Order Quantity

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