Portable pumping station for petrol (ADR type-tested)

CODE 18.409.25

Portable petrol tank made of top-quality carbon steel, watertight welded, with outer protection frame. It can be regularly transported on road in compliance with the ADR type-testing regulations.
Fitted with:
1) Oven-fire painted metal cabinet with safety lock fastened to the tank and including:
- 12 V 55 l/min ATEX electric pump for unleaded petrol
- 5-m hose
- ATEX automatic stop gun for unleaded petrol.
2) ATEX litre counter with resettable partial totalizer and:
- Brass loading fitting with 3" lockable quick joint
- Lifting eyebolts for hoisting (even in full load conditions)
- Outer protection frame for forklift handling
- Level indicator.
3) Supporting documents: CE use and maintenance handbook.