Spare handles for Osculati hatches

Master items

Item Colour For hatches or trapdoors mm - A mm - B mm - C mm - D mm - E Price  
white Hatch series Flush and Classic 20.291.00 / 20.292.00 / 20.293.00 / 20.294.00 / 20.295.00 / 20.298.00 / 20.299.00 / 20.302.20 / 20.302.30 95 56 30 66 30 9,69 €/PZ
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white Round hatches and hatches with exposed screws 20.840.00 / 20.844.00 / 20.301.00* / 20.302.00* 95 56 30 61 30 9,69 €/PZ
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* A 4-mm Ø hole is required
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