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Via Pacinotti, 12 - 20054 Segrate (MI) - Italy
Sede Legale / Registered office: Via della Moscova 3 - 20121 - Milano. VAT number: 10091570969 - Capital Stock 1.000.000 i.v. Sole company
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Boating guides and products
Features:- ABS with anodized aluminium bracket and stainless steel base.- WAGNER optical bulb.- Full 360° rotation and elevation joint, frictioning.- Detachable light with 2-m extention cable.- Special watertight switch, fitted with rubber cover, integrated into the rear dome.- Equipped with watertight plug for recess or flat mounting.Features:- Weather resistant.- Vacuum-sealed optic bulb, humidity- and salt-resistant.- Great power.- Light weight, low cost.
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