Electric control panel with flush rocker switches

Including switches model 14.196.01 fitted with LEDs which light up in ON position, and resettable automatic thermal breakers.
IP65. PCB electronic board illuminates the function signs.

Master items

Item Finish Number of switches Fuse holder mm Price  
Polished graphite 3 1x5 + 1x10 + 1x15 124x115 76,90 €/PZ
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Polished graphite 5 2x3 + 1x6 + 1x8 + 1x10 165x115 104,50 €/PZ
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Polished graphite 8 + 1 socket / lighter plug 2x5 + 5x10 + 2x15 282x115 159,50 €/PZ
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Mahogany coated 5 2x5 + 2x10 + 1x15 165x115 109,50 €/PZ
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Mahogany coated 8 + 1 socket / lighter plug 2x5 + 5x10 + 2x15 280x115 169,50 €/PZ
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* First switch ON-OFF-ON with 2 separate circuits
** A spring switch for horn
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