Leather hooking device for fenders

Removable hooking device for fenders.
Outer leather coating, it fits all handrails or tubular up to 50mm diam.
Inner woollen lining to prevent both slipping and scratching.
Wide hook&loop fasteners to close the end part.
A cam cleat fitted with polished stainless steel toothed Delrin side cheeks, suitable for 10- to 14-mm diameter ropes, adjusts the fender height whenever necessary.
Two stainless steel plates are placed inside to ensure a firm and secure fastening of the cam cleat and improve the aesthetic look of the device.
Stainless steel ring to let the rope through.
Leather colours, accessory inside lining and dimensions are customizable for quantities greater than pcs. 6.

Master items

Item Length (open) cm Width cm Finish Price  
45 14 Leather color outside, inner lining made of black wool 129,50 €/PZ
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Leather colours, accessory inside lining and dimensions are customizable for quantities greater than pcs. 6.
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