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Via Pacinotti, 12 - 20054 Segrate (MI) - Italy
Sede Legale / Registered office: Via della Moscova 3 - 20121 - Milano. VAT number: 10091570969 - Capital Stock 1.000.000 i.v. Sole company
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Boating guides and products
Fold¬ing knife made of float¬ing stain¬less steel with an er¬go¬no¬mic plas¬tic han¬dle. In¬cludes a 2-me¬ter poly¬es¬ter rope for prac¬ti¬cal use in emer¬gen¬cy si¬tua¬tions. Ide¬al for on¬board equip¬ment and life rafts.
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