Air conditioning pipes

Flexible pipe made of additivated polyolefin film resins and spiral in a harmonic steel thread.
• colour: black;
• operating temperature: -20/+90°C (+110°C peaks);
• radius of curvature: 0.8-1.5xø;
• air speed: max 20m/sec;
• pressure: max 200mm approx;
• fire reaction class 1 (D.M. 26/06/84).

Master items

Item - Ø mm - Length m Flow rate (m3/h) - 8m/s air speed Flow rate (m3/h) - Air speed 10m/s roll package cm Price  
102 10 250 333 23x23x78 119,50 €/BO
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127 10 383 368 23x23x78 129,50 €/BO
Order Quantity

152 10 575 773 23x23x78 144,50 €/BO
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