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Via Pacinotti, 12 - 20054 Segrate (MI) - Italy
Sede Legale / Registered office: Via della Moscova 3 - 20121 - Milano. VAT number: 10091570969 - Capital Stock 1.000.000 i.v. Sole company
To know all our news
Boating guides and products
The safety of our customers is our top priority. On this page, you will find updated information on safety recalls for products that may have defects or non-compliance under Regulation (EU) 2023/988. If you have purchased one of the listed products, we invite you to follow the provided instructions.
(The list will be updated regularly with any new recalls.)
What to Do If You Have a Recalled Product?If you own a product listed above, follow these steps:
Contact Email: assistenza@osculati.it
Notification to Competent Authorities In the case of defective products posing a significant safety risk, we will promptly notify the issue through the Safety Business Gateway, as required by Regulation (EU) 2023/988.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Contact and Support For further information or assistance, you can contact us via email: assistenza@osculati.it.